The Investors in People standard presents the unique way to assess the organization's work by the efficient personnel management and the more rigorous use of the personnel potential for the continuous organizational development.

The international personnel management and development quality standard based on the observed outcomes.

Carrying out the efficient-in-duration and focused assessment among the representative sample of the organization's personnel applying the Investors in People model. The model comprises the key personnel performance indicators. The assessment process shall not require preparation or submission of any document. Everything is confirmed through collection of the real evidences.

The Investors in People model is based on the Plan-Do-Review cycle typical for the business environment. This allows linking the people's work outcomes and the outcomes of the total organization's activity. To identify the possible realms where development and enhancements are required, and to receive the individually composed plan of activities, the preliminary diagnostics is proposed.

The Investors in People Standard is the internationally acknowledged instrument to improve the organization's activity and to ensure the quality of work through active involvement of the organization's personnel into such process.

The standard enhances efficiency of the relationships between an employee and an employer, increasing efficiency of the activity overall. Investors in People results in creation of the sensible management strategy, ensuring the employees' involvement into decision making and the efficient identification of objectives and goals. Accordingly, an increase in the feeling of involvement into the shared company's business goals shall take place among the employees.

The Investors in People standard is the harmonious supplement to the ISO9000 quality standard that ensures the management system creation and support. Using the Investors in People standard, you may assess the extent of efficiency concerning the support provided by your organization's personnel for the established business goals and strategy if your organization:

  • Undergoes the stage of recovery upon the consequences of the global financial crisis
  • Prepares for business expansion, including the same through mergers and acquisitions
  • Undergoes through optimization of the organization's business and processes
  • Reaps the fruits of the successful growth and wishes to prolongate the effect of the pilot impulse
  • Is forced even to control expenses more stringently, not losing the personnel engagement.

Applying Investors in People Standard

The standard is aimed at researching the business management system even when the company lacks the formal plan to control business.

Considering the main indicators of motivation systems, performance assessment, training and development, the standard allows estimating efficiency of these systems overall, providing accordingly the comprehensive assessment of the management system performance. This is the main index of performance for the business management system so far as this is the personnel that is the key propulsive force for the business. Obtaining the Investors in People certification shows that the company possesses the team of the strong managers and experts, the efficient business management system providing the options to develop and increase performance.


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