Extreme team building

Extreme team building is not just a corporate training aimed at developing the team work skills and identification of leaders among the personnel.

At your option, the coaches from Ambition will help to design the specific team building scheme exactly for your needs.

    Vast and useful experience;
    Deep lessons;
    Active training;
    Unique experience in building the dream team;
    True adventure for the personnel;
    Unforgettable impressions;
    Intensity of emotions;
    Strongest emotional uplift among the participants;

The course program may be estimated for 3–8 hours or for several days at once. Relying on your requests, we will develop the activity scheme and present the detailed program for the extreme team building course, describing the purposes, goals and suitable solutions.

Main purposes of the extreme team building training:

    To increase the participants' team work motivation;
    To establish the trustful partnership constructive relations between the participants;
    To master the skills of role distribution in a team;
    To help the team bringing the novices in the fold;
    To develop in the team the feeling of self-confidence, to enhance the participants' self-esteem;
    To master the feeling of responsibility for the shared outcome among the participants;
    To master the skill of quick response to a situation and group decision making among the team members.

To create the trustful and partnership relationships;

Business value:

    The team members acquire the experience to overcome the complex situations and make the group decisions under the extreme conditions;
    The individual potential of the members and the group overall is disclosed;
    The managers define the growth zones in the sphere of team creation and management;

Target audience:

  • • Employees from one department/subdivision;
  • • Project groups;
  • • Supervisors.

Goal: To bring the team to the higher interaction and function level.


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